The full moon and how it affects us

Everybody has heard that the moon has a strange affect on us and since so many centuries we have been interested in the moon and its spiritual power. As humans, we are always curious about the things we can't explain, even if we are scared from them. The moon always wakes up our imagination. It is one of the topics which the scientists and esoteric believers reach to the same conclusion - it really has an influence on us somehow. What is regulating the growth of the hair? What is affecting the behaviour of the cats? What is affecting the rising tides? And why sometimes you are not able to sleep even if you are exhausted after a long day? The answer of all these questions is the moon.

It has a strong affect on the water. So, that's why it is affecting the rising tides. During full moon and new moon it is removing tons of water in the oceans and the seas. It also replaces and deforms the earth crust. It is also affecting the people because 2/3 from our system is water and 1/3 hard matters or in procents - 70 % water. That's why it has a big influence on us. Therefore, the moon has a very strong affect on our psyche. There is a hormon of the night stress in our body and its name is melatonin. This is a hormon of the epyphysis which is a gland in the center of the brain. This gland exudes the hormon exactly during night time. The scientists made some experiments and reached the conclusion that the secretion very intensive during full moon. According them this is the reason why people are having problem to sleep during full moon.

The researches in this sphere even show that a lot of women are giving birth exactly when it is full moon. The scientists think that it is because the full moon is provokes more contractions. It is very interesting that the full moon is also affecting our feelings. During the full moon the women are becoming more sensitive and the man are more active. They say that it has influence on our beauty and that is why duringthe Ancient times a lot of women were taking baths when it is full moon. They believed that it will make them more beautiful. There is even a hair dressing salon in Paris which is opened from 22:00 till 6 in the morning in the nights when there is a full moon. The owner believes that the hair stops falling down when you cut it every 28 days. Recently a lot of people in the world are starting to do the same following the example of this french guy. A lot of girls are even making "moon diets".

But for sure the most interesting about the influence of the moon is definetly how it affects our behaviour. Many people believe that during full moon we are becoming more violent, aggressive and nervous. Even the people who are working in mental hospitals are saying that the patients need more sedative during full moon. There are more incidents, suicides and crimes as well. Exactly something like this woke up my interest about the effect of the moon on us. There was a girl who disappeared in my home town. The police was actually hiding what exactly happened with her. But they said that there is a witness. In the middle of the night she took a taxi and she wanted to go to the sea garden. The driver who took her there saw her going to the sea. That was the last time somebody saw her and everybody says that the girl commited suicide. And guess what, it was a full moon that night. The interesting thing in this case is that the girl is totally healthy and didn't show any signs of mental illness. Before a while they found her body on the beach and still nobody knows what happened.

Anyway, this is one of the many cases and nobody can say if the moon really can cause such a big influence. But people in the whole world believe in that and even in 2007 the police in the american city Brayton hires more employees during full moon. The conclusion is that no matter what, the world around has an affect on us and it can be the moon or something else, the main thing is our reaction to it. So, are you ready for the next full moon?

...and don't howl,


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