The origin and true meaning of OREO

Probably there is no person on planet Earth who haven’t heard about the cookies ‘’Oreo’’ and tried them even once in their entire life. But probably very few of you are aware that actually the word ‘’oreo’’ has a very old origin and probably the people who discovered and started producing the cookies chose the name in purpose. Because in my opinion the people in the big industry or like I simply call them ‘’the big fishes’’ don’t do or name something just because it sounds cool.. Of course there are a lot of anti-conspiracy believers who will say that I am going outside the line and that it is stupid to think that there is a bigger idea behind the production of some stupid cookies. I am not so into these theories as well but just one time accidently I found that actually ‘’oreo’’ is not just a name of a cookie but something more interesting. 

Let’s start with separating the word into three parts: ‘’O’’, ‘’RE’’, ‘’O’’. The two letters ‘’O’’ represents the two black parts of the cookie itself and the ‘’RE’’ is the filling inside. Actually Re is the other name of the Egyptian God Ra. I think that I don’t have to explain here who is Ra and what is his role in the society and for the powerful people who are pulling the threads: he pyramid with the all seeing eye comes from the God of the sun Ra and that is why they call themselves the enlightened ones and so on. And if we see the commercial at least in my country it seems quite disturbing because they say it like this: separate the two black parts of the cookie and take only the white filing inside. The meaning of the word itself is: ‘’Black on the outside and white on the inside’’. The origin of the word comes from the Arfican-americans and with that word they call the blacks who act like white and indentify as such.

Now let’s see what is the façade of the cookies and what is shown on it. On the Oreo facade is the Cross of Lorraine which was given to the Knights Templar by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. They ruled the world in secret until they were all executed by the Pope (who also has crosses!). They were then replaced by the Freemasons, who were shunned by the Pope because of their connections to the former Knights Templars. The Cross of Lorraine was also an important sign for the Freemasons. During World War II, the Cross of Lorraine was a symbol for the Freemasonic French Resistance, who resisted the pagan Nazis who threatened their dreams of a New World Order.

 Another strange consequence is the similarities between the cookie and the mayan calendar. So, do you still think it is just a cookie and a chocolate calorie deliver or something else hidden beneath the sweet surface?

Open your mind,


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