My other passion: Art and superheroes!

Besides writing I also love painting, drawing and making pieces of art. My favorite artists who left something huge in the history of art are: Leonardo Da Vinci (or course), Michelangelo, Rubens, Edgar Degas, Raphael, etc. But nowadays humanity has changed and of course art changed as well. So, there are many new movements in the art scene and new artists who are trying to make it a world where are is not appreciated like it should/used to be.

But still, few exceptional artists really managed to make a difference and to show the world that art is something very special, eternal and without it, we definitely would not be the same.  Now I will take a short look trough the comic art. Many of you are familiar with the superhero movies and probably some of you even grew up with one of the best comic books in your hands. But may be just few know who are actually the artists who created the characters that we love nowadays. Here are some people who really inspired me: John Romita who is one of the people behind the story about Spider-man; Brian Bolland is the person who worked on the story and creation of Powerman; Jim Sternako is the person who stands behind the story of Hulk and so on. 

These people and their imagination are extremely inspiring. Imagination is a great power. ''Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand'', said one of the greatest people in the world, Einstein. So, here is a small part of my work of comic characters which combines two of my biggest passions, art and superheroes:

Emma Grace Frost:

Emma Grace Frost(favourite!):

Danger girl:

Power woman:


Jean Green&Emma Frost:



Batgirl :

Batgirl making:

Comics pop art :

Super Hope:

The last one actually is not an existing least not yet. It is just an idea for my own superhero. She is called Super 'N' (Nadya) or Hope. Her superpower is to heal people. She actually can get into their subconsciousness, remove the toxicity and plant good feelings. Also she can bring back some forgotten memories and she can clean and heal people's souls. The only condition is to really want it from the bottom of your heart. If yes, she will do the rest. 

I believe that in each one of us lies a superhero, just like in Mariah Carey's song, so let him/her free and start your own story from this moment on.

Never back down,


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