From Darkness to Light

I believe that everybody on this planet came with a deep mission, deeper than only building a good career and having a family. It does not mean that these things are not important. Probably they are the essential of our lives but still I don’t think that this is the only reason we came here. Each soul on this earth has few things that are coded deep in our DNA. Some people don’t even realize what is their mission, while others are aware of that from a very early age. Some of us came here as healers, some of us came here to spread the energy of love, others came to provoke the others to become better people by hurting them and probably these are the ones who we call ‘’the bad ones’’, but I truly believe they are not bad, they just follow the ‘’code’’ they have been given.

Each one of us has a place here and a certain thing that has to do before we leave this place. For good of bad some has a harder life than the others and probably this is also a part of who they are. Have you ever been wondering why this happened exactly to you? I am sure that there is not even a single person on this planet who didn’t ask himself this question. But in the darkest night we usually find ourselves and become better people. May be this is the reason why the strongest and the most successful people here are the ones who have been experienced the worst things in life. And still you can never guess what is behind their kind and smiley faces and probably you can only see the fights they have been trough in their eyes.

These are people who managed to get out from the hard times without letting the pain turn into anger, the disappointment to turn into fear, the love to turn into hate. Some of them even managed to combine their life purpose with their career and some of them inspire us and give us hope to fight with our everyday battles. Because it is important to know that after the darkest night comes the brightest day. They are the ones who are the heroes of our century and not only. These heroes have always been there since the humanity came to this planet. But I also believe in the hero sleeping in each one of us. There are so many souls out there who are helping the others every day, who are fighting life, who are inspiring others and making the world a better place. Sometimes they loose hope, sometimes the fight is so difficult that they need somebody to tell them: ‘’Don’t worry, you are not alone in this’’. But at the end of the day we remain alone because we are the only ones who can fulfil our mission and make our lives the way we want it to be.

For those people out there, even if you are alone, there are others who share the same struggles, similar life stories and at the end became stronger and managed to achieve their goals. There are many people who can inspire us at these moments and we have heard some of these names on the TV, in the newspapers or somewhere else. We think that their life has been always perfect but it is not like that. Here are some of these people and their stories which will convince you to follow what is written in your DNA and the whispers of your soul because it knows exactly where you have to be. The fight is never over and it is probably one of the most important things in life. Here are some of the people whose life stories will lift your spirit up in your dark moments:

1) J. K. Rowling is one of the people who deserve an applause for the strength to never give up infront of the challenges. Just three years before her first Harry Poter book was published she barely managed to feed her baby after a divorce with her husband. She even didn’t have a computer, so she manually typed out each of the 90 000 worlds in the novel. Finally after many publishers refused to publish her book, one small publisher in London decided to give her a chance. The first fan of her book was her eight-years old daughter who fell in love in the story.

2) Keanu Reevs’ life is full with more tragedy than you could ever expect from somebody who is a worldwide movie star. At the age of three his father leaves left their family and keeps in touch for few years but then they lost his track. During his childhood they move from town to town and Keanu changes his school very often. Except that, he also suffered from dyslexia which made his education even more difficult. At the age of 23 he lost his best friend River Phoenix who died from an overdose. In 1998 he meets his big love – Jennifer Syme and they fell in love instantly. After a year Jennifer is already pregnant with this daughter but the child was born stillborn and this ends their relationship. 18 months later Syme dies in a car accident. ‘’Grief changes shape, but it never ends’’, that’s one of his most remarkable saying for Parade magazine. All these struggles only made Keanu an amazing person and he is one of the most charitable and modest actors.

3) Shania Twain is famous with her cheerful and kind attitude and nobody can guess what she has been trough. When she is at the age of two her parents get divorced and she rarely sees her father. Twain lives with her mother and her stepfather. At the age of eight she starts singing in different places in order to support her family with money. Sadly one day when she is 21 years old a car accident puts the end of her mother and stepfather’s lives and she has to take care of her family on her own. She puts her own ambitions on hold because she has to look after her siblings who are teens at that time. She sings in resorts, parties, etc. in order to raise her younger brothers and sisters until they are mature enough to take care of themselves. Only then she has the time to pay attention to her own dreams.

4) Francois D’obinie is may be the only name here which probably most of you haven’t heard of and still, this woman is one of the brightest figures in the history of France even if she was living her whole life in the shadow of the king. She was born in the jail of Nior where the cardinal sent her family. She spends her early ages on Martinica island. Born and raised  in misery she manages to come back to France without any money and place to stay. At the age of sixteen she married Paul Scaron who was a poet at that time and who was also 25 years older than her. Because of him she managed to meet one of the most remarkable people from the high society like writers, actors and royalties. She grows up as a very well educated young woman and when her husband dies she moves to Versailles where Francois starts to take care of the children of the king of France. During the years king Loui and Francois become friends and later the king falls in love with this intelligent and strong woman. Her strive for life and success drives her to the throne of France. The king and Marquise de Meintenon as she was named later, get married when she is at the age of 48. She was his best friend, lover, wife and best advisor and literally she was ruling France from behind. Every decision the king made was actually coming from this woman. At the same time she loved him more than everything and remained next to Loui till his death.

5)   Mike Tyson is the last in my list but the only one who is a fighter by profession and also in real life. As a child, this ‘’baddest man on the planet’’, who rose to become the youngest heavyweight champion and one of the highest paid athletes in the history of boxing, lived in condemned buildings, with no water, no heat and no power supply. His mother, an alcoholic with several boyfriend, had to do whatever possible to keep a roof over the heads of her children, Mike reveals himself. His father, whom he and his siblings rarely met, was a pimp and left his family after Mike's birth. He has an elder brother Rodney and elder sister named Denise, who died of a heart attack at age 24. At the age of 14 Mike meets the coach Cus D’Amato who inspires him and turns him into a boxing champion. ‘’They think they are better than you Mike’’, he always remembers Cus’ words. If Cus sees a Fiat or Rolls-Royce, he’d look at Mike and say ‘’You could get that. That’s not the hardest thing in the world to do, getting wealthy. You’re so superior to those people. They can never do what you are capable of doing. You got it in you’’. And that's how from a troubled kid who was picked by the other children when he was younger, at the end he became a legend. 

Let the light lead you,


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