The most famous name in the world

Which is the most famous name in history? Who is the most popular man who inspired millions? Who is the person who has the power to lead humanity into religious wars centuries after his death? Who is the man with more than 2, 000, 000, 000 followers? The answer of all these questions is only one and it is Jesus Christ. Trough human history there are a lot of names who left their steps and made the generations talk about them centuries after they die. But Jesus Christ is the one who will always be remembered and there is no human being on this planet that has never heard his name, even once.

In this very sacred moment of the year - Easter, I would like to remind what does this name means for us nowadays. What was the most important thing that this man wanted to teach the people and what actually happened with his idea in 21 century? Even if he was, like they say, God's son, the main thing he wanted us to know is how to be a human. Unforutunately instead of leading people to light, they used his name for very dark goals, some of them are actually achieved with big success. One of them is the church. "Christianity is a religion for losers", said one famous american bullionaire and I have to agree with that.

Unforutunately, the church isn't what it was supposed to be. It isn't the God's home on earth. To me and a lot of other people it looks more like a money machine or a big manipulating organization that actually uses the name of Christ for taking power and material profits. And do not think that I am some kind of blind believer, I can define myself more like a self believer. I simply think that a man can change a lot and I believe that if God made the human similar to himself, so in my point of view in each of us is hidden a little sparkle of this God. So, it means that Christ can be blessed and at the same time can be a normal man. The one thing does not exclude the other. But the church did it and made the people think that they have to bow down before their God when it doesn't have to be like that. As a part of God the people are actually supposed to become gods as well. "The gods are dead and the human is left on his own", said Friedrich Nietzsche. I can't agree with that because may be people can't see God because first they have to turn into themselves.

Anyway, the humanity was supposed to be actuated by love and we had to have big progress in our minds, but also in our hearts, in order to become not only good in our work but also to become good as a personalities. And what happened? The church achieved its goal and made people belive that they have to live in fear. "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strenght in numbers", said a famous american politician. Sheeps always needed to have a leader because they are not sure in their own abilities to survive. In this case, the leader of the sheeps is wolf who becomes the executioner of their free minds. So, the question is how we are using this famous name now? Because it does not matter if he was God's son, prophet or just a man. His name had to be used for good ideas. Instead of that during the years people even killed in his name. That is why I will tell you the words of another bright mind. Mark Twain, the brilliant writer once said: "If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be - a Christian".

The passover is one of the sacred celebrations in the christian world. The point is when we celebrate it, do we actually think what exactly we are celebrating and for who? I think that when you are following something you should think about it, examine it and make your own truth. It doesn't matter if your truth is the same like mine or if you belive in the church. The point is that there is a path that you have to walk alone and at the end you have to make your own conclusions. Don't walk on the paths of the others and doubt in everything untill you find your own belief. Then put this truth in your mind like a stone and don't let anybody of anything destroy it. But you have to suffer it, see it, believe in it and knowledge is one of the best ways to find it. You don't have to stand in silence and listen the others and what is their truth, trying to make you believe the same. Find your own religion and put a stamp with your name on it, after all the name doesn't matter because acrually the idea is immortal.

Happy Easter,


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