We are seven billion people on this planet and everybody has his/her own dream, own way of living, own fears and desires. Many of us just exist but are they really living or they just breathe in order to survive? Human nature is incredible and the human body is a complex of so many neurons, cells and many other components that are making us who we are. We are amazing creatures and we have such a big potential that it is even hard to imagine. The problem is that in spite of all the positives that the nature gave us, we have also a lot of weaknesses. They are the walls which sometimes keep us away from using our potential in the maximum. That's why many of us just prefer to take the easy way and stay behind the walls.
The biggest wall is fear and when we are giving it power it can build a prison for our mind. Like I said we have different dreams and different fears. So if we have some big dream and we want it from the bottom of our heart what will happen if we live with fear in our mind? Even if we wake up every morning with this dream in front of our eyes, if we are afraid of something, our dream will seem to be far away with every single day and may be one day it will fade away and our sight will become empty. This can happen if we let the fear control us. It can be the fear of failure, the fear to leave our home or relatives, the fear to risk, the fear to be brave, the fear of the unknown. And at the end this fears captivate you and you stay behind their walls without even trying.
Nobody said that it can be easy and nobody said that you really will succeed. The point is the fight, when you fight for something you feel alive, when you stay and wait for something to take you out instead of doing it alone, you are going to die even before your physical death. So, I would say that it is even better to try and to fail than to stay whole your life in the chains of the fear, captured in your own prison. And actually I don't even call it failure, I call it experience and it is priceless. Staying without risks seems to be so easy, so simple and so comfy. That's why it is called a comfort zone. It comes first from this zone in your mind that your fear built. Then your actions in your every day life start to be dictated from your inside kingdom of fear which you are feeding every day by doing nothing.
The people who are not scared to go out of the comfort zone are the ones who believe that the life is a gift and it is so short that there is no time to stay at one place, meet with the same people, do the same things. Life can be an amazing adventure and it doesn't matter how hard it can be to live your life like you want, there is no excuse that you are not even trying. But there are so many people who are not trying and they stay in their comfort zone forever.
Actually in science there is even an explanation what exactly is the comfort zone. It is that space between your inside boundaries, a pattern that minimizes stress and risk. It provides the individual a state of mental security. Now you can understand why it is so hard to kick your ass out of the comfort zone. You can start by doing small things that are very different for your normal life and that you would never do before. You have to find the balance after that because everything that is "too much" is not good. So, don't challenge yourself too much because it can also make damages. Step by step is the better way. Once you started to do it by small steps every day, it will be much easier in the future. It can be going to a restaurant for the first time without checking it in Google, going out alone and introducing yourself to unknown people, trying to make something creative. By doing this, after a while you will be able to do bigger steps like changing the job, changing the city or even the country.
You will see that you are able to do amazing things and you can be in control with your decisions and the fear no more will control your life. Of course, sometimes it is good to come back to comfort zone, the things you know from before. This is very important because like this you will process your experiences. The last thing you want is the new and interesting things to become boring quickly. This phenomenon is called hedonistic adaptation and it is the natural tendency to be impressed by new things only to have the incredible become ordinary after a short time. As we know, human's brain is very complicated thing. That is why we have to operate very careful with it but never with fear, like we said, this is it's greatest enemy.
Everybody wants to be happy. If you want it as well, you have to do the things you love and to achieve your dreams. If you want to achieve them, you have to leave the old and well-known reality and follow the desires of your heart. But to fullfil the desires of the heart you have to turn your brain into a new direction. They have to start working together - heart and brain, an amazing symbiosis that will lead you to incredible results. The world is full of opportunities, you just need to free your mind and catch the first train to the horizon!
Safe trip,
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